Prime Trading International LLC

Prime Trading International LLC

About Us

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Assured in giving something new with best quality.

We are one of the leading Manufacturers and Exporters of 100% Cotton\ CVC \ Woven \ Denim \ Polyester Garments. Prime Trading UAE is going through a profound transformation globally and Prime Trading UAE & its sister concern has emerged as a part of this transformation to supply quality garments to the international markets at a competitive price to meet the demand of the buyers/customers who care about quality. The present set-up of PE & its sister concern was established in 2001 with the mission of achieving a higher standard of professionalism through consistency in quality, commitment, and service. Considering the huge demand for quality garments around the globe, the manufacturing facilities have been designed to produce high-quality garments. We are well aware of global trends in the textile manufacturer, we have set up our system based on two objectives first to control our cost and second to offer the best possible prices to our valued buyers.

How We Work ?

Order Custom Clothing - How Does it Work?

Send Enquiry

Share with us your requirements such as your Designs, Colors, Sizes, Fabrics, Logos (any other branding details), and the Quantity.


Our technical team will guide and help you finalize all the details. Send you a quote and come to an agreement on T&C.


We will manufacture and deliver your uniforms to you at your place of choice & on-time. Sorted, well packed, and ready to wear.


We are one of the leading Manufacturers and Exporters of 100% Cotton, CVC, Woven, Denim, and Polyester Garments. Prime Trading UAE is undergoing a profound transformation globally, emerging as a key player in supplying quality polyester garments to international markets at competitive prices. We cater to buyers who prioritize quality. Established in 2001, our mission is to achieve a higher standard of professionalism through consistency in quality, commitment, and service. With the growing demand for quality polyester garments worldwide, our manufacturing facilities are designed to produce high-quality products. We are keenly aware of global trends in textile manufacturing and have structured our operations to control costs while offering the best possible prices to our valued customers.

Founded in 2001 as a small family business, Prime Trading UAE has its administrative office located in Dubai, UAE. Our production units are situated in strategic industrial areas. As a responsible member of the global community, our company believes in sustainable development, offering clients certified organic fabrics and eco-certified clothing. Our production units meet high standards of social and technical compliance.

We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. Each client is supported by a dedicated team, including merchandisers, fabric and accessory technicians, and purchasing personnel.

All samples are produced at our facility, where our showroom is also located. Customers are welcome to visit the showroom and choose from a diverse range of styles and fabrics.

Our production focuses on men’s shirts, ladies’ blouses, and kids’ wear. The most commonly used fabrics include 100% Polyester, Cotton, Viscose, Linen, Indigo, and various blends of natural and synthetic fibers.

Who We Are

Why Choose Us ?

Quality Manufactures

Luxury products

Regional Distributors

Amazing Fabrics